I have always wondered why early American armies fought the way they did. I have never understood the concept of marching in a tightly formed line directly into the opposing line of the enemy, just hoping that you had them outnumbered. While I do not profess to be an expert on military strategy, I do know that, in most cases, the act of standing in the middle of a prairie, with bullets whistling by one's head, while fumbling with gunpowder, flint, and a musket does not seem to be the wisest way to fight a war. But it worked. There is no questioning that fact.
As the Frontier stretched westward, Union forces began encountering a new type of opposition. They were no longer fighting opposing armies who utilized the same strategies they did. Subsequently, it did not take long for them to realize that they were fighting a new war the old way, and the outcome was not looking promising.
All throughout the fighting careers of these intelligent, experienced commanders, they had learned to accomplish great victories while utilizing these methods. However, I can imagine the first time they were ambushed by their enemy, as warriors sprang from hidden areas, trees in various camouflaging patterns of war paint, they realized, "I can't win like this!" Never before had an enemy fought them in this manner. This Guerilla Warfare was not familiar to them.
Remember this: New frontiers and revised strategies go hand in hand.
When the commander of the brigade began dodging arrows, tomahawks and spears thrown at him from an enemy hidden by the roadside, I am sure the first though on his mind was, "I must get off this horse and change uniforms." It would be foolish of this experienced leader to wake up and put on his dress uniform and storm the battlefield.
In the frontier of propagating the Gospel, the cause is still the same. There has not been, nor can there be a change in the reason we fight. There is a frontier ahead of this generation that remains unclaimed for the cause of Christ. I am not suggesting a change in our cause, but we must realize that it might be time for a change of uniform. The methods that defeated the British armies and won freedom for the Thirteen Early American Colonies were effective in Massachusetts, but would fail miserably in Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada.
While I am aware of the criticism this line of thinking will generate, I also realize that I am not winning this new war by doing the same old things. We have all heard the famous Albert Einstein quote, "The definition of insanity id doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." While this quote has been overused, it has not lost its truth.
Why do you think our troops in the middle east are not wearing basic "army green" uniforms? Because they will be easily spotted and endangered by their old uniform. Notice, a desert camo pattern DID NOT EXIST prior to the 1980's, but a new enemy dictated a change in uniforms. In fact, the desert camo pattern was updated again in 1999 to afford our troop the best advantage available.
I am not suggesting any changes to the flag. Just pointing out that we could use a few modifications to the uniforms and methods.
Good leaders can admit when they are losing a battle because of improper methods.
Are you facing new frontiers? Is there a new war ahead of you as you stand in the sunrise of 2010? Are you afraid to saddle up and go back out there into the fight because you know your strategy is not correct for this fight? Take some time this week and analyze your methods. You just might come to the realization, "I can't win like this."