Friday, April 13, 2012

What Christmas Could Not Do - A Tribute to the life of Annaleigh Smith

I love the holiday season. Few occasions present themselves to us in this life that provide such joy, peace, and happiness.

Families eat together...

Remember the birth of our Savior...

Play dominoes and cards...

Watch football...

Tell the same old, tired jokes...

Exchange gifts...


I treasure these special times when we attempt to unplug from the hustle of life, clear our minds, and reflect on the blessings of God.

This past Wednesday, at the bidding of a fifteen month old little angel, we were given a special, unexpected moment in time.

When we were first informed of Annaleigh’s drowning, we immediately felt the panic, hurt, fear, uncertainty, and questions which are natural to situations such as these. Soon, however, we realized that God was truly in control, and began to trust Him.

As I sat in the hospital, waiting on the helicopter to arrive with Annaleigh, I immediately sensed that we were about to have a special moment in life. We were going to witness sweet Annaleigh do what Christmas could not do.

It would be the performance of a lifetime.

For the next 36 hours, she battled. Not for herself, but for those of us gathered near her. We thought we were there for her, but in all reality, she was there for us.

36 hours of prayer...

Friends, family, and colleagues, united around one cause...

No arguing about political candidates...

No debate regarding the upcoming election...

No cards or dominoes, but we did manage to work in the same, old, tired jokes...

36 hours of unity...

People on every continent across the globe... focused...

New friendships created...

Old friendships renewed...


New commitments made...

Old commitments rekindled...

Each tremor of seizure in her hands, was Annaleigh stepping to the conductor’s pedestal, orchestrating the performance of her lifetime...

36 hours of healing

36 hours of love revival

36 hours of preferring others

36 hours of devotion and servitude

To the naked eye, her little arms, spread beside her body seemed so weak...

But with each tremor, she was gripping families, friends, acquaintances, and colleagues and pulling them together. With each moment, with each breath, she did what Christmas could not do...

Thank you, Annaleigh, for the giggles...

Thank you, Annaleigh, for the smiles...

Thank you, Annaleigh, the clarity of life...

Thank you, Annaleigh for the performance of your lifetime.

See you soon.

Kim and I will bring bubbles...


Anonymous said...

This really is deep thought. Annaleigh's life was short, but, look what her life accomplished. God and his ways are perfect!

Anonymous said...

Simply beautiful. Continuing prayers for your family. You will see that sweet baby soon!
- Cherryl Pope

Anonymous said...

Chills and tears.. My heart goes out to all of you. Our babies are so precious and they can be gone before we know it. Gotta love and appreciate every moment when they are there and appreciate the togetherness the aftermath brings. Take the good with everything. Sending all my good vibes your way. Sweet dreams Annaleigh.

Pam Holcomb said...

May the memories of your sweet baby girl sustain the family. Your tribute is priceless!

Sandra said...

Myron, so beautiful! Wow.

Sabrina said...

Wow!All I can say is how strong in the Lord you guys really are. This is probably one of the hardest thing a parent would go thru and you have done it with such grace and love. God Bless your family and keep you wrapped in his arms.!

Anonymous said...

Our Prayers is with you and your family in this time of sorrow, Please keep the Faith and remember you can always call upon the Lord for peace.

In out Prayers...........From Ed. Cox & family

Julia Creel said...

Beautiful words. So thankful for God's love which sustains us through difficult moments in our lives. Your family is in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is so perfect. Such a touching tribute to a sweet little angel from someone who clearly loved her dearly. I am so very thankful for God's mercy, love, and grace. I am also so very thankful for you, Myron, to be pastoring my children, Laura and Phillip, Lincoln and Victoria. They are in good hands.

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

The families and friends of Annaleigh have been in my prayers. Deepest sympathies.

Anonymous said...

I never personally knew Annaleigh or your family. I'm just 45 min. from ya'll. But, I have cried and prayed for this beautiful baby. Even becoming very irritated that God did not breathe life back into her. Instead he whispered her name that it was time for her to come be with him in Heaven. After reading this wonderful trilogy, I am amazed & touched with the sweet words you have shared. May God's comfort & peace be with ya'll <3

Anonymous said...

So beautifully written. If we could accomplish in a lifetime what she accomplished in 36 hours, great would be the work of God. God bless you for this tribute. We continue to pray for all the family. The Clark's

Anonymous said...

We can rejoice in knowing that as believers in Jesus Christ we will see Annaleigh again. My prayers are with her family.

lahermosa said...

Wow What a beautiful way to see her life! God gave you those words. Because you comfort us by knowing that her life although short, had so much meaning. Annaleigh, I did not get to meet you here in earth but I sure cant wait till I do, See you there, and please save me some bubbles!

lester wright said...

I am a distant friend of the Smiths. My wife grew up with Kent and I have been around him in the 30 plus yrs.
that I have been in Pentecost. We have only one grand daughter, about the same age as Annaleigh. I will tell
you, Bro. Kent Smith, man to man, I know without a shadow of doubt, this is the hardest thing you have ever
been through. My heart has been broken since I heard about it Wed. evening. I am letting you know, as a brother in Christ, I am praying for you, and I will not eat until I feel that the Lord tells me. I want you to know that this has changed my life, after being in church 30 plus yrs., I cannot any one event impacting my spiritual walk as this. (even including my own mother and fathers death) I love you and your family. lw

Jerry Conner said...

I started reading about Annaleigh as Debbie Foster Siaz started posting it. Debbie is a long time family friend. Even though it has been many years since Debbie and I have seen each other, I still remember her with warm memories. I cant remember anything that has touched me so deeply as this situation progressed with Annaleigh. A precious gift not only to her family, but now to so many world wide. I have walked seeminly in the last few days, in a Holy Hush. Praying so desperately for Annaleigh's healing, but having to accept that God had different plans. I know she is in His Hands now and my prayers and condelences go out to this family and all friends concerned. May God console you as ONLY He can. This has made me want to be close to Him once again.

Anonymous said...

Besutiful tribute. Words sent from on High to an obviously anointed wise vessel. A tribute that comforts family and others of which never met Annaleigh. Thank you for your sacrifice and sharing Annaleigh's God appointed purpose in this life. Blessings to you and your family, and all that we're deeply touched by this tragedy. Our prayers continue for the days to come. Your strength, peace and health.

gwen sparacino said...

This is the sweetest tribute for a brave little girl. I well understand a cracked, broken heart following the loss of a child. Strength to her mommy and daddy for the years ahead. My tears fall with yours today.

Anonymous said...

My heart breaks for your family! Annaleigh's mom & grandparents. Almost 3 years ago I lost my 2 1/2 year old nephew in a tragic accident the day before mothers day. When you get the news your world stops! As you said silly things don't matter anymore, differences of opinion have no place in grief. It is something that you do not wish on anyone. Something you never think you will have to go through. God gave us strength & carried us when we couldn't carry ourselves. He still does! I pray he does the same for you as I know he will! I know that our Addison will welcome Annaleigh & show her around heaven till we can all be reunited. Love & Prayers Allison Travis

Anonymous said...

Thank you Annaleigh for being the angel that you are and for allowing God to use you to open my eyes to how truly blessed I am that He has given me three precious children ! I pray that you live on in my heart every day that I may be the mother that God created me to be ! I pray peace, comfort and joy for the Smith family !